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We’ve all heard people with great voices or someone with ‘the voice.‘ But not everyone can say they have a mellifluous voice (say that 3xs fast…okay maybe its not that bad 😄). Either way, I’ve heard many descriptions for my voice and love to use it to assist in bringing stories to life.
I ended up doing what?
Othello. I was to be Othello. It N-E-V-E-R crossed my engineering mind that I’d be doing Shakespeare. Let alone multiple ones at that in subsequent years. That’s what happened not too long after moving to the PNW and being introduced to The Rude Mechanicals (RM). Check out Stage. And from what I’ve been told it was partially because of my voice. But it was worth it! Certainly helped with growth, confidence and getting into the text. as a result, in engaging with others, cast members and audience members, led to opportunities for On-camera work. As well as branching into oral storytelling. ya know, like griots from africa.
East Coast -> PNW
Life took a slight turn after quenching my curiosity of acting to some extent in middle school. High school, undergrad, and grad, all focused on technology leading to a M.S. in Software Engineering. All on the east coast. Got a job upon gradation and to the PNW I went! Was I ready though? Leave the comforts of middle east coast and come to the tip of the other side? Hmm, why not 😉 But throughout those transitions, I still found ways/opportunities to keep acting.
Start of it all
The skit that was a part of my 5th grade chorus concert piqued my curiosity of this thing called ‘acting.’ Upon going to a middle school with a performing arts magnet, I learned what I didn’t know and the knowledge has stayed with me to this day. I shall never forget The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940, Anything Goes, Guys and Dolls, Harvey, and She Loves me 😎.
The journey so far has been quite eventful! Can’t say I predicted things would turn out the way they have, but I certainly can’t and won’t complain.